Indulge in Chocolate Affogato

Prescott Smith

What’s better than Italian Affogato? Chocolate Affogato made with Lancaster County Coffee Roasters’ CHOCOLATE RASPBERRY flavored coffee. To make this at home, start by freezing the serving bowl, glass, or cup for at least 15...

Mint Chocolate Chip Latte

Prescott Smith

If you love mint chocolate, this recipe is for you. Start by brewing 1 cup of Lancaster County Coffee Roasters’ MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP coffee. As the coffee brews, fill a small mason jar with about...

Whoopie Pie Mocha Madness

Prescott Smith

Want the flavor of whoopie pies anytime? A Whoopie Pie Mocha made with Lancaster County Coffee Roasters’ WHOOPIE PIE FLAVORED COFFEE is easy to make and will fill your house with the smell of dark,...

Warm up with Barbajada

Prescott Smith

The Italians mix hot chocolate and coffee together to make Barbajada. When you use a chocolate-flavored Lancaster County Coffee Roasters’ blend, such as CHOCOLATE RASPBERRY, SWISS MOCHA ALMOND, WHOOPIE PIE, MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP, or even...

Holiday Gingerbread Latte

Prescott Smith

This coffee recipe takes a little extra effort, but it’s totally worth it. The gingerbread syrup is also great on oatmeal or ice cream! FIRST MAKE A GINGERBREAD SYRUP This step is pretty easy. Put...